Capstone Project

Analysis and Applications of Variational Quantum Eigensolver Alfgorithms

Advisors: Ismael DeFarias, PhD and Renato Portugal, PhD

Project Status:

  • Conducting research work done under the supervision of Dr. Ismael Regis de-Farias in collaboration with National Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC) of Brazil
  • Implemented methods to calculate Hilbert-Schmidt-Product and decompose any given square matrix into sum of Pauli matrices
  • Created a computational framework for testing Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) Algorithms
  • Initiated a study to explore the dynamics of changing each component - Hermitian matrix type, variational form, circuit depth and optimizer - used in the VQE routine by conducting sensitivity analyses on two performance metrics – time taken to solve the problem and accuracy of the solution
  • Presently conducting literature review of Quantum Computing applied to Quantum Chemistry and High Energy Physics

Awards and Funding:

  • First Prize, Impact Talk at TTU URC ($500)
  • First Prize, Virtual Presentation at TTU URC ($500)
  • TRUE Undergraduate Research Project Funding Award 2020 ($500)

Poster and Oral Presentations: